Thursday, February 27, 2014

Super Easy DIY Dog Bed

I love my dog… I love my dog… I love my dog…

I recite this to myself as I clean up stuffing, feathers, foam, and fabric.

When I buy Mando a bed, he eats it. But when Mando sleeps on the bare floor, I feel sad. Such a dilemma! I needed a solution that would give him a bed for little to no money so that, if he destroyed it, I wouldn't be mad. 

I had three old pillows stuffed in a basement closet. I had no intention of ever sleeping on them, but I didn't want to throw them in the trash and add to the landfill. 

It didn't seem hygienic to donate them for someone else to sleep on. 

I considered using them to stuff pillow shams in the guest bedroom. I've been considering that for over a year and haven’t bought shams yet.

I decided the dog could sleep on the pillows.

It seemed unsightly to just throw three dirty old pillows on the floor and, it seemed unlikely that a 76 pound golden retriever would lie still on three separate pillows to keep them in place. I needed a way to pull it all together.

I found three used pillowcases at the thrift store for $3. They generally matched and they were boy colors. It’s important to give a boy dog a bed made of boy colors.

I used my mom’s ancient sewing machine to sew the three pillow cases together. It took me 37 minutes to get the machine to work correctly and 9 minutes to sew the cases together.

I stuffed one pillow into each case and laid it next to our bed, where Mando currently sleeps on the bare floor.  

I whispered, “If you build it, they will come,” and sure enough, he came running in and laid down on the bed.

It easily slides under our bed during the day and, when we tell him it’s time for bed, he runs right to it and lies down at night.

I really do love my dog, and I’m pretty sure he loves his new bed.

Have you re-purposed an item to meet a need instead of donating it or trashing it?


  1. Such a great idea! I love the idea of the pillowcases sewed together and so easy. :)

    Happy day friend!

    1. Thanks for your kind words and for taking the time to stop by!


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